"I made my money back within 36 hours and was able to get a client, a really great client, that we  got some good results for."  - Rory Stern

AdSkills LLC not a part of Facebook.com or Facebook Inc. Additionally, AdSkills LLC is not endorsed by Facebook, Inc. in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

Disclaimer: Campaign results listed above, in our marketing materials, or course materials are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Individual results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors. We do not teach ways to make money quick or any forms of black hat marketing. If you are looking for "quick" fixes or and form of black hat strategies then our courses, community and workshops are not a good fit for you.

© 2018-2020 AdSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved

2025 PRICE INCREASE: Due to recent massive upgrades to the agency program we are increasing the price to $6,995 - but not until 2025.

The Fastest Route to Four Clients Paying $2,500 Each (that's per month)

❐ YES! I'm ready to turn advertising into a real career. I want to STOP working on small budget ad campaigns and for cheap clients. I'm excited to get better clients, bigger results, and become a highly sought after Media Buying Master! I'm ready to begin the Adskills Certification program and realize that as an Adskills Certified media buyer, doors will be opened that were shut before. This certification is a ticket to the big leagues and is respected by peers in the know. Best of all, starting pay for a media buyer is $60k-$80k per year with $120k+ for someone with a couple years' experience - ensuring a bright future for my family.

QUICK START FORMULAS: You'll start out with unlearning the bad habits and mindset that keeps ad buyers in "smallville." You'll love how fast and easy it is to start creating winning ad campaigns and marketing funnels when you follow simple PROVEN formulas adapted to work in the current crisis.

PROVEN FRAMEWORKS: With your new proven frameworks (such as INTENT MATCH STRATEGY™️) in hand, you'll learn how to reverse engineer the world's most successful ad campaigns. You will skip the guessing phase and confidently start every campaign with the right keywords, interests, landing pages, and ads. You will know what strategies will keep you profitable while others are guessing.

HIGHER CONVERTING PAGES: You've never seen landing pages taught like this. You’ll use the same easy tools, but just with smarter concepts. You'll be able to create your own layouts that blow away any of the popular templates. Just be prepared for your landing pages to become the popular templates everyone else uses. 

Here's What Past Graduates Have to Say About The Program...

Andrew Pontius

"Before I learned of Justin Brooke’s and John Belcher’s training courses, I’d spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars piecing together profitable ad campaigns. In my experience, Adskills is the best, most comprehensive and up-to-date training on the market. If you want to shave years off your learning curve, or want to realize the full potential of your media buying abilities, Adskills and their amazing community can help you get there." 

Joakim Hansson 

When I first started with AdSkills I was a one-man-shop working by myself with clients often for a modest fee.

Now I’m running an agency for high volume advertisers managing millions for my clients, delivering great results, and getting paid very well.

Nate Smoyer 

"Knowing what I know now, Justin should have charged me double for AdSkills--and I would pay it! From the first few lessons, I took what I knew with me to a conference and landed my first paying client. Within 6 months of completing the AdSkills training, I was earning $100,000 annually as a solo media buyer. We're now working with dream clients and operating as a lean agency. I've found no community and no online resources that come close to matching the skills, talent, and knowledge of AdSkills."

What would it be worth to you if you had a waiting list of clients?

USE OUR PRACTICE ACCOUNTS: Imagine being able to practice what you learn in real live ad accounts, but without having to spend your own money. We are so confident in our training we’ll let you practice what you are learning in our ad accounts with our own money. That’s right, we fund your practice for you because the ads you’ll be running are marketing our company so we win too. Of course, you must pass our certification test first, but once passed, we’re happy to bring you into our accounts.

GUARANTEED CLIENT OFFERS: As soon as you pass our AdSkills Certification test you'll be added to our recent graduates email list. This is an email list where we notify a waiting list of companies looking to hire our graduates. Companies that have specifically asked to be notified when we have new graduates to interview. Everything is already setup and they are waiting for you to finish.


RAPID REPLACE YOURSELF KIT: As soon as you pass our AdSkills Masters Certification test, clients will be they're waiting to hire you. Everything is already setup and they are waiting for you to finish.

You'll have every job ad already written for you and every task they should be completing itemized out line by line. You don't have to think about what they should be doing, just hand them these documents and they'll know how to get started.

Imagine if they also graded their own performance for you - YEP THAT'S INCLUDED! You'll get our quarterly self-review system where they grade their own performance on each task they are supposed to be doing. This is the ultimate accountability system and all you have to do is look over their grades to decide where they need help.

SEARCH & DESTROY CLIENT GETTING SYSTEM: Clients will see you as the ambulance here to save them after you apply this strategy. It’s a unique twist on the auditing method which exposes the clients profit losses. You simply say “would you like me to stop the bleeding” and watch them jump at the chance to hire you -- and fire the other guy.

It’s a simple report you run inside their own accounts. They can even look it up themselves, you just tell them where to click. Other agencies DO NOT want you to show their clients this report (and clients don’t know it exists). When they see it, they’ll be ready to fire whoever is working for them and feel like they OWE YOU A FAVOR.

The real secret though is after you have them look up this report it’s easy to get them a quick win. You’ll know exactly what targets will make their campaigns more profitable. Simply use the report to fix their ad campaigns and you’ll be the hero -- and they’ll never want to fire you.

THE "CLOSE YOURSELF" CLOSE: Give this step-by-step script to your assistant and every person they schedule a call for you with, will be ready to buy BEFORE they get on the phone with you. It's designed to be easy, so you can delegate it to anyone.
The way it works is a two part call... The first call filters out anyone who could not afford what you sell or is not serious. The second part uses a question based system of getting them to sell themselves on your program.

Included with this are recorded calls so you can hear exactly how this should work and sound. Everything you could need for training others to do your sales for you is included with this bonus training.


Do you want 4 clients paying you $2,500 a month?

Some people don't.

Some people make much more than that and could care less about $10k/mo.

If you don't need the money, then do nothing. 

Tomorrow you'll wake up and your life will be the same. Maybe that's perfect for you.  Maybe you live such a great life already that you don't give a frog's fart about clients.

But maybe you do...

Maybe you're reading this page because the job you're in is sucking the life out of you. Or maybe you're close to getting fired and you know you need a plan B. 

Maybe you're like Tracy and quickly need a way to start working from home because of kids.

Maybe you just want to work remote, travel, and see the world.

Whatever your reason, only you know if you need to make a change. If you do need a change, then signing up for this certification program today, means that tomorrow you'll have a plan to follow.

Tomorrow you'll have mentors, scripts, a recruiter, and access to the job board.

And when you pass our test, you'll have a certificate that comes in a fancy wooden frame to show all your friends and family. Works great for getting clients too!

Which do you want...

Wake up tomorrow and your life is the same?

Or wake up tomorrow with access to peers, mentors, a plan to follow, and a slew of career advancement opportunities?

One Time Payment of $6995 Only $1,995



Money Back Guarantee 

Try any AdSkills program for the next 30 days. We know you'll love our products because our customers write in telling us exactly that every day. Still, just in case we have a 30 day money back guarantee.

Support Guarantee 

When you buy from AdSkills, your purchase comes with premium support. Any questions you have will be answered within a day (except for weekends and holidays). 

Freshness Guarantee 

Every course comes with the always updated guarantee. Every month we scour our courses for any outdated topics. If something has changed or become outdated, we make a fresh lesson to keep it up to date. 


"Thanks to what I've learned from AdSkills I'm now one of the top ad guys in my space. I'm even getting asked to speak on podcasts now because of the reputation from my results. And I owe a lot of that to AdSkills."

- Jason Stogsdill 

"Landed my first $10k client because of what I learned in your course.”

– Jay Leishman owner of StackDigitalMedia.com

Ever since I finished the Bootcamp, I've gotten better quality clients. I've gotten rave reviews from clients that I have never gotten before because they're so happy, even with results that we've been able to get them within the first 30 days. I've never experienced this before.”

- Liana Ling

“I used what I learned and took our campaigns from 1,000 leads per month to 15,000 leads per month.”

- Alejandro Reyes

Whatever they're charging now, pay it. You'll get it back. As a media buyer, an agency owner, I made my money back within 36 hours from the job board. I was able to get a client, a really great client that we got some good results for. That, in and of itself paid for the program, all the learning, the training.”

- Rory Stern

"I'm the kind of guy who buys everything to stay at the top of my game. I buy the courses, books, events, and masterminds. Out of everything I've purchased, AdSkills is consistently at the top when it comes to quality and value."

Can you really make six-figures annually with just 4 sales?

Yes, let me explain…

Our model is simple, get 4 clients x $2,500/mo = $10,000/mo which is $120,000/yr.

You might ask...

"Why would anyone pay YOU that much, when you're brand new at this?"

Fair question, since you are not yet aware of the average pay in this industry. 

  • According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for an entry-level media buyer is $64,550 per year.
  • According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an entry-level digital media buyer is $60,633 per year.

If you do the math, that's about $5,000/mo for an ENTRY level position.

This makes $2,500/mo actually a great price for rookies to charge. 

But first let me say that there is NO guarantee that YOU will do make 6-figures. Just like a book cannot guarantee you a job, this is no different. Ultimately, YOU have to do the work.

What we do is, we make "doing the work" simple enough for beginners to follow along.

For example, let me tell you Jon Kaufman’s story…

Jon came to us as a skeptic.

So skeptical that he made sure to cram all of our lessons into a two-week period so he could leverage our 30-day money back guarantee. Jon was using our guarantee as a parachute in case he had to bail.

However, the Friday after he took the certification test, we ran our normal matchmaker process, and he was contacted by a HUGE software company to manage their ad campaigns (it was ClickFunnels).

He then used the training inside to land the client and made his money back in his first deal. 

Now, I’ll be honest, this is extreme. 

It’s a story that I share because it perfectly shows what is possible for people who put in the effort. However, for every Jon Kaufman we have, there’s also 1 slacker who just doesn’t do anything.

But are you a "do nothing" kind of person?

If yes, then just stop reading now.

I don't think you're that type. I bet you're actually a hard working type and just need someone to show you the ropes. Which is why we built this program...

Here's how our "guaranteed client offers" works...

You won't need to beg for clients once you complete our certification. You'll get an email upon completion to schedule your calls with multi-million dollar companies who have already asked for "FIRST DIBS" on anyone who completes our certification.

Why would clients do this?

Obviously, people aren't coming out of college with a degree in Facebook ads or Google Ads.

Hiring highly trained marketers is a major pain point for big companies. They don't want to take their chances with freelancers or have to provide training. They want to plug-in to our network and hire you as soon as you've completed our certification test and assignments.

Remember Jon Kaufman's story of being hired the Friday after finishing his test, that was all due to the waiting list of clients we have.

We have placed ad buyers inside companies such as Agora, LadyBoss, GiddyUp, Cardone Capital, Kajabi.com, DigitalMarketer.com, and many more.

No one else is offering this because most certifications are too easy. Our test was made by a real professor and is not easy to pass. You will actually have to study to pass it. You do have access to a pre-test for practice though. Because our test is hard to pass, clients know anyone who comes out of our program is legitimately worth paying top dollar, 

IMPORTANT: You MUST pass the test to qualify for our "guaranteed client offers."

Step-by-Step Blueprint Used by 248 Adskills Graduates to Attract High Paying Clients Without - Cold Calls, DMs, or Referrals

Watch This Interview with Another One of Our Students Who Replaced Her Teaching Job Over the Summer

By now you may have figured out two things;

1. That we teach people how to start an online ad agency working from home (or wherever their laptop takes them) and get their first 4 clients.

2. That there is some kind of cost associated with joining.

Before we discuss any costs, let me explain what you get when you join today...

Now You Can Have Aces Up Your Sleeve...

We've already done the work and put in the hours for you.

You're about the get access to THREE veteran agency owners who have traveled the world speaking about marketing, managed hundreds of millions of dollars, and worked with the biggest names in the business.

Meet Your Instructors...

World renowned ad buyer, Justin Brooke. He famously started with just $60 in Google ads and turned it into 6-figures. Since then he's made millions for himself and tens of millions for his clients. His client list includes Dan Kennedy (GKIC), Agora, Todd Brown, Russell Brunson, Digital Marketer, Kajabi, and many more.
Mr. Midas Touch himself, Jeremy Blossom. He's built a $10 million dollar agency with 100+ employees, earning over $1B for his clients. That's after 10yrs of managing high net worth portfolios in the stock trading industry and after appearing in 3 hit MTV shows. His clients include some of the largest financial trading companies in the world.
Former Google ad employee who started his own agency, John Belcher. He was a founding business partner of Adskills who went on to help some of the largest tech companies scale to $100M+. His client list includes Frank Kern, LadyBoss, GiddyUp, ShineSolar, and many others.
Each instructor has a long track record of being in the trenches doing advertising at the highest levels. They are DO-RUs, not GURUS!
But that's not all you get.

When you join the Adskills Certification program you also get...


HANDS ON MENTORSHIP: Sure you might be alone at your house but once you join you'll gain access to a private community of peers going through the same lessons as you are. Plus, LIVE calls where our expert instructors will review your campaigns. They will answer your questions, critique your pages, give you feedback, and sometimes even partnerships are formed inside.

CREATE YOUR WAITING LIST: With so much traffic you’re going to have enough lead flow that you can cherry pick the clients YOU want. No more will you have to say yes to uneducated clients with skinny pockets. Now you'll have a waiting list of the best clients in your market. You'll brag about their names any chance you get.

You'll learn 3 free ways to build your prospect pipeline overnight, and several paid traffic ways for when you're ready to scale. You'll be surprised at how much lead flow you get and may even have to "pause" your marketing to catch up.

This is not your normal lead magnets and squeeze pages. This is a system enterprise software sellers use to insure their companies always have a surplus of prospects.


"There's a lot of experts, I'm not saying AdSkills is the only thing you should ever buy, but it should definitely be one of the things you invest in if you take your ad campaigns seriously. I've made way more back from their stuff than I have invested." 

CALL WITH A RECRUITER: When you pass the certification test you'll be given a link to schedule a call with our recruiter. They will ask you the type of clients you want, how much you want to get paid, and they will then go out and hunt down the gig you want. This is a free service, as the recruiter gets paid by the company hiring you. That's just how the recruiting business works. Companies pay recruiters to find them talent.

JOB BOARD ACCESS: You don't have to pass the test in order to access the job board, but it will help you get more clients if you're "certified." Companies email us daily asking if we have any ad buyers for hire, we put all those "leads" into an area called "the job board." You'll have immediate access to this when you join. No waiting for it to unlock or have to pass a test (but it is encouraged).

PRO INTERVIEWS: Imagine being able to call a millionaire and ask him "How did you make your millions?" That's exactly what we did with 5 millionaire agency owners. We asked them how they built their agency, got their clients, and even how their business model works. We got them to reveal everything you need to follow their footsteps.

  • Learn how Chad Hamzeh makes $3mil/yr with just 4 clients
  • How To Use Free Posts In Social Media To Build A Profile Full of Prospects & Ultimately Clients with Dorothy Illson
  • Hiring A Players For Your Agency A Step-By-Step Guide with Eric Southwell
  • How To Start A performance Based Agency with Dan Wardrope


SCRIPTS & CALL RECORDINGS: Getting clients has never been easier with these pre-written sales scripts, slide decks, and sales call recordings. You'll be able to listen in on how a client call should go, download the script, and even use the same slide decks that made our instructors millions. 

What is a fair price for a 6-figure career?

Colleges seem to think $40,000 🤯 and four years of classes too. Heck, doctors and lawyers, spend a whole lot more than that.

But obviously, we aren't charging $40,000.

Since advertising is a trade, maybe charging $15,000 like trade schools do would be fair?

We aren't charging $15,000 like trade schools do.

Not even $5,000!

Plus, when you join the Adskills Certification program you don't have to buy any textbooks, new wardrobe for classes, heck you don't even have to go to class.

You get to stay right in the comfort of your own home.

No commute.

No class deadlines.

And we only charge $1,995! 

That's cheaper than one semester of college and about 80% cheaper than trade school.

Plus, instead of taking years, most of our students complete our program in just 12 weeks.

Imagine, 12 weeks from now being a certified Master Media Buyer, minimum pay is now $60,000 a year for you, and with just 4 clients you can be making $120,000 a year.

Just one $2,500/mo client pays back the whole cost of joining.

But we are raising the price in 2025, because we should be charging closer to what trade schools charge. Even our new price of $6,995 is still half of what they charge though, so it'll still be a great deal.

The deal you're getting though, is just insanity for the End of Year dealfest.

We will NEVER charge this low again.

**Many of our students make the cost of enrollment back in their first deal.


Plus access to over 5,000 leads!

We hired a research company to scour the Internet for businesses that need ad buyers. 

You'll get their names, email addresses, and even their social media accounts. All you need is 1 out of 5,000 to say yes, and you'll have made your money back.

We'll show you how to land clients with these leads without begging, without buying fancy tools, or being salesy.